The New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN) 212-459-4784 -- providing information & support to the Bisexual / Bi-Friendly Community since 1987. New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN): Bust Biphobia - Proud Bisexual Queer
New York Area Bisexual Network: Artistic Visions

Featuring the works of a wide variety of contemporary bisexual visual artists.

The art of Efrain John Gonzalez: An internationally published professional photographer creating beautiful artwork in the heart of Brooklyn, Efrain Gonzalez is a also a bisexual photo-documentarian of some renown within the community.   Particularly known for his striking black & white photos, Efrain has for many years documented the people and events in the bisexual, BDSM & LGBT communities.
Ink & Steel:
The Body Modification Photography
 of Efrain John Gonzalez

Have we left out your favourite local bisexual visual artist? LET US KNOW. --- Thank you

BiMagazine: articles on the Visual Arts
BiMagazine: Visual Arts [Photography, Painting, Sculpture, Mixed Media] [Photography, Painting, Sculpture, Mixed Media]

Bi Magazine 


© NYABN®  New York Area Bisexual Network  NYC 10108  212-459-4784  - updated may 2008   contact webmaster   photos: Efrain John Gonzalez