The New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN) 212-459-4784 -- providing information & support to the Bisexual / Bi-Friendly Community since 1987. Bisexual Speakers Bureau sponsored by the New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN)
Bisexual Speaker's Bureau
If your organization would like a representative of the New York Area Bisexual Network's Speaker's Bureau to contact you about providing a speaker; being available for media interviews; supplying background information on bisexuality / the bisexual community for a story you are working on; to conduct workshops or "in-service training" around the subject of bisexuality please contact us via e-mail or by phoning 212.459.4784.
The Problem:
  1. Many people, including members of the lesbian, gay and transgendered communities as well as straight people don’t understand what bisexuality is. There are many myths, stereotypes, suspicions and just plain wrong assumptions out there about bisexuality . . . most of which are negative.

  2. Bisexuality remains virtually invisible. Lesbian, gay and transgender people are beginning to be taken seriously in the media which is a long time coming, important and well-deserved but the bisexual community has been skipped over.

  3. Pseudo-scientists produce "studies" of dubious provenance proclaiming "there is no such thing as bisexuality". This is picked up by media outlets and even well-meaning but misinformed reputable researchers, furthering a distorted view of our community.

The Solution:
  1. Seek out speaking engagements to educate public about bisexuality.

  2. Be available to to the media to counter destructive myths and to provide clear and factual information about the bisexual community.

  3. Conduct workshops and "in-service training" for various professions including but not limited to Social Service, Medical, Educational Professionals.

Get Involved: Potential speakers please e-mail a short bio along with your contact information.
© NYABN®   NYC 10108  -  page updated may 2006   contact webmaster   photos: Efrain John Gonzalez