and sometimes you just want to have Fun . . . so come on all you bi boys & bi girls . . . laissez les bon temps roulez!
remember to click on the Icon to get more information
Bisexual.com an free internet community for bisexual men, women and couples including personal ads, chat, articles, forums, etc.
BiCafe.com all sorts of bi stuff, from meeting & dating to bi forums to happenings and places to go (in several languages even)
Bi Men Network free worldwide social and support organization for bisexual men, bi-curious males, gay men and bi couples
BiCupid.com The perfect and largest dating site for Bisexual and Bicurious singles in the world
OkCupid Quirky but free dating service for everybody (& they do mean EVERYBODY . . . but in a good way)
Titty Tops
not specifically LGBT but a cute, funny a women's clothing line - & the company is cool and very politically aware
remember to click on the group's Icon to get more information
People, this list is only as good as YOU make it.
If you find a bad link, if we need to add/update, if something is happening with YOUR group, etc. LET US KNOW. --- Thank you