Contact Information for the Bisexual Network
The New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN)
PO Box 497 Times Square Station
New York NY 10108
Phone: 212.459.4784
Websites: www.nyabn.org www.MySpace.com/nyabn
E-Mail: info@nyabn.org
Are you putting up your own website or getting a domain name?
Click on this banner to get a discount as well as to contributing to the New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN)
If your organization would like a representative of the New York Area Bisexual Network's Speaker's Bureau to contact you about:
- providing a speaker about bisexuality the bisexual community
- being available for media interviews about bisexuality/the bisexual community
- supplying background information on bisexuality/the bisexual community for a story you are working on
- to conduct workshops or "in-service training" around the subject of bisexuality/the bisexual community
please contact us via e-mail at SpeakersBureau@nyabn.org or by phoning 212.459.4784.
Are you a not-for-profit bisexual/bi-friendly group or event based in New York City or the NYC Tri-State Area and need computer-related assistance?
The New York Area Bisexual Network Computer Team can offer limited free or low-cost programming assistance such as website design, computer training, phone-support, etc. to groups that qualify.
Please contact the NYABN webmaster at:
Are you a bisexual computer geek, bisexual website designer, bisexual graphic's artist, bisexual database designer, bisexual computer programmer, etc., etc. looking for a way to give back to your community?
The NYABN Computer Team could use your help.
At a minimum you should be able to hand-code HTML and use Adobe Photoshop and ImageReady.
Not that we are 'techno-snobs' but we have SO much work, and are already SO far behind on requests, that at this time we need people who are already systems professionals.
People should be ready, willing and able to work in a team environment and to be able to patiently & cheerfully attempt to assist a user base that is not always that computer savvy.
Some Good Geek Sites:
People, this site is only as good as YOU make it.
If you find a bad link, if we need to add/update, if something is happening with YOUR group, etc. LET US KNOW. --- Thank you