Here are the old pictures that I had on the main page before the New picture page was made.
This is Brenda and I
Another photo of use together
This is Brenda with our cat Bustopher
Here is a picture of us at the bi march in 2001. She is second from the left and I am first from the left in the back row.
The picture on the left is Brenda at a 1970 protest (I cut her out of the full photo).
I would like to thank Rich Wandel The Center's Archivist/Historian for this photo!
(added 7/22/05)
The pitcure on the right is a picture of the photo on her Gay Games IV badge (it had the code letters of VLand the number 23 on it)
You can Click on them to see full versions
(added 7/25/05)
A friend of Brenda brought me some pictures she found from a party in Dec 90 that Brenda happen to be at. (added 7/27/05)
This photo was found in her storage location I believe its the 1990 march (added 7/30/05)
remember that this is ©2005 Lawrence Nelson ® All rights reserved.
Just in case I need this: "Gay Games" is a trademarks of the Federation of Gay Games, Inc.